Keyboarding/Document Processing

January 5, 2016

Students are introduced to the computer keyboard and are given instruction in proper typing technique. Student are also introduced to basic Microsoft® Word® operations to create business letters and envelopes, business and academic reports, tables and other business and academic related documents

Intermediate Keyboard/Typing

January 5, 2016

Learn production typing including tables, letters, manuscripts, reports, and business forms. Students learn on microcomputer using word processing software. Advanced word processing functions are included.

Microsoft® Excel® Workshop-Windows®

January 5, 2016

(FORMERLY CIS 021) Create business applications using the Excel® spreadsheet within the Windows® graphical user interface (GUI). This course covers basic commands, cell ranges, formulas, and mathematical, financial and statistical functions.

Microsoft® Outlook® Workshop

January 5, 2016

(FORMERLY CIS 024) Learn to use Outlook® components to create and use the calendar feature to schedule meetings and multiple day events, establish a ”contacts” database, keep journals, notes and use the task manager for prioritizing jobs. This is an optional component of the Microsoft® Office® User Specialist Expert certification tests. Typing ability necessary to […]

Microsoft® Publisher® Windows®

January 5, 2016

This course presents design techniques and the proper procedures necessary to create electronic documents in Microsoft® Publisher®. Students explore the use of Publisher’s® extensive design templates to create documents such as flyers, brochures and newsletters. Publications are also created from scratch. An emphasis is placed on good design principles and the creative aspects of desktop […]

Microsoft® PowerPoint® – Windows®

January 5, 2016

Students will learn how to create electronic presentations using design templates, slide layouts, the outline tab, clip art, from other programs such as Microsoft® Word® and how to enhance slideshows with visual elements in presentation formats. Student will also learn how to create presentations for the web, self-running presentations, presentations containing interactive documents and how […]

Microsoft® Word® Comprehensive – Windows®

January 5, 2016

Produce, store and revise letters, memos, tables and reports using Microsoft® Word®. Headers, footers, mail merge, document assembly, grammar and spell checker, thesaurus, and outlining are covered. Keyboarding skills are essential.