Cloud, Networking, Security and Administration – Associate in Applied Science

The Associate Degree Program in Information Technology provides students with a comprehensive foundation in Cloud Technologies/Cybersecurity/Networking. This program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the rapidly evolving field(s) of IT.

Core Components of the focus areas of this Program: 

  • Cloud Technologies: Students will gain a deep understanding of cloud computing principles, including virtualization, cloud infrastructure, and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solutions. Practical hands-on experience with leading cloud platforms will be a key component.
  • Cybersecurity: The program emphasizes the importance of securing digital assets and networks. Students will learn about encryption, network security, threat detection, and incident response. Ethical hacking and penetration testing techniques will also be covered to enhance practical skills.
  • Networking: The networking component covers fundamental and advanced concepts in computer networking. Topics include network design, protocols, routing, switching, and troubleshooting. Practical lab exercises will provide students with real-world experience in configuring and managing network infrastructure.

Program Highlights: 

  • Industry-Relevant Curriculum: The program is constantly updated to reflect the latest trends and technologies in the IT industry.
  • Hands-On Learning: Practical labs, projects, and real-world scenarios ensure that students gain valuable hands-on experience.
  • Industry Certifications: Students have the opportunity to earn relevant certifications such as CompTIA Security+, Cisco CCNA, and AWS Certified Solutions Architect.
  • Career Development: The program includes career development workshops, resume building, and networking opportunities to prepare students for successful entry into the workforce.

Upon completion of the Associate Degree, students will be well-prepared for entry-level positions in Cloud Technologies/Cybersecurity/Networking, with the added flexibility to pursue further specialization through the Networking and Systems Administration certificate programs as well as taking on more than one focus area.

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